home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- #
- # wais.pl -- WAIS search interface
- #
- # wais.pl,v 1.2 1994/04/10 05:33:29 robm Exp
- #
- # Tony Sanders <sanders@bsdi.com>, Nov 1993
- #
- # Example configuration (in local.conf):
- # map topdir wais.pl &do_wais($top, $path, $query, "database", "title")
- #
- $waisq = "/usr/local/bin/waisq";
- $waisd = "/u/Web/wais-sources";
- $src = "www";
- $title = "NCSA httpd documentation";
- sub send_index {
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
- print "<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Index of ", $title, "</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n";
- print "<BODY>\n<H1>", $title, "</H1>\n";
- print "This is an index of the information on this server. Please\n";
- print "type a query in the search dialog.\n<P>";
- print "You may use compound searches, such as: <CODE>environment AND cgi</CODE>\n";
- print "<ISINDEX>";
- }
- sub do_wais {
- # local($top, $path, $query, $src, $title) = @_;
- do { &'send_index; return; } unless defined @ARGV;
- local(@query) = @ARGV;
- local($pquery) = join(" ", @query);
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
- open(WAISQ, "-|") || exec ($waisq, "-c", $waisd,
- "-f", "-", "-S", "$src.src", "-g", @query);
- print "<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Search of ", $title, "</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n";
- print "<BODY>\n<H1>", $title, "</H1>\n";
- print "Index \`$src\' contains the following\n";
- print "items relevant to \`$pquery\':<P>\n";
- print "<DL>\n";
- local($hits, $score, $headline, $lines, $bytes, $type, $date);
- while (<WAISQ>) {
- /:score\s+(\d+)/ && ($score = $1);
- /:number-of-lines\s+(\d+)/ && ($lines = $1);
- /:number-of-bytes\s+(\d+)/ && ($bytes = $1);
- /:type "(.*)"/ && ($type = $1);
- /:headline "(.*)"/ && ($headline = $1); # XXX
- /:date "(\d+)"/ && ($date = $1, $hits++, &docdone);
- }
- close(WAISQ);
- print "</DL>\n";
- if ($hits == 0) {
- print "Nothing found.\n";
- }
- print "</BODY>\n";
- }
- sub docdone {
- if ($headline =~ /Search produced no result/) {
- print "<HR>";
- print $headline, "<P>\n<PRE>";
- # the following was &'safeopen
- open(WAISCAT, "$waisd/$src.cat") || die "$src.cat: $!";
- while (<WAISCAT>) {
- s#(Catalog for database:)\s+.*#$1 <A HREF="/$top/$src.src">$src.src</A>#;
- s#Headline:\s+(.*)#Headline: <A HREF="$1">$1</A>#;
- print;
- }
- close(WAISCAT);
- print "\n</PRE>\n";
- } else {
- print "<DT><A HREF=\"$headline\">$headline</A>\n";
- print "<DD>Score: $score, Lines: $lines, Bytes: $bytes\n";
- }
- $score = $headline = $lines = $bytes = $type = $date = '';
- }
- open (STDERR,"> /dev/null");
- eval '&do_wais';